I miss you.  It was on a movie set that I learned of your murder.  It was reported you were killed on a motorcycle, but the paint came from the inside of a van.  I remember the day, I found out of your death.  I was living in a guest house and a gust of wind picked me up when entering the main house.  I called you number and Joey told me that you had passed away.  I went to the beach memorial with thousands there to speak of you through a blowhorn.  I spoke about you swimming with dolphins and that you were a god to me, until your death that made me realize you were a man.

I went to the Improv and remembered our first date there.  I guessed you horoscope and you replied you were Catholic, which made me laugh.  You were generous with your time and I loved you deeply.  It took me 8 years to get over your death.  It wasn’t until I met Rodney that I mourned for you.  I remember you being there for me, when in trouble.  You let me stay with you instead of going home when followed by a stalker.

I think of you daily and wished you were still hear calling my name.  I love you.

